Sunday 15 May 2011

Day 7 Summary

Malin to Larne and then home.

It had been planned that a few of us would cycle the 85 miles or so from Malin Head to Larne.  Due to Friday's incident only Bill did the cycle and everyone else travelled in the van.  The weather was atrocious with prolonged heavy downpours making both driving and cycling difficult.  As mentioned yesterday Gordie and Jack popped into the hospital in Antrim for a once over.  Alan managed to sneak a picture of Gordie's  X  ray.......

We came back to Scotland on the fast ferry from Larne to Troon - a bit of a bouncy ride.  Didn't stop these two sleepy boys catching up on some shut eye.

We'll post details of the route and a few more photos over the next day or two.

As some of you probably realised we had an outage on the blog on Thursday and as a consequence lost some posts/comments.  We've managed to reinstate most of the posts but lost a few comments.

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