Wednesday 11 May 2011

Day 4 summary

Galway to Carrick on Shannon. Another day of wind and heavy showers - luckily the wind was still on our tail.  Terrain fairly flat, pretty featureless - only a few small villages along the route. Carrick on Shannon though is a nice wee place. We're staying in a B&B on the outskirts of town -so a bit of a walk for us tonight to get some food etc.

A great fast cycle though, here are the stats.

Distance - 76 miles
Cycling time - 4 hours 20 minutes
Average speed - 17.5 mph
Calories burned - 5400

Should be a bit more interesting tomorrow - heading straight north to Donegal town.  A few lochs and hills along the way, finishing on the coast.


  1. Glad you all made it and enjoy your food. G Mum x

  2. good for yous I showed my class this blog and I am now the height of popularity I mean who wouldn't be if their uncle is cycling around Ireland thanks you guys!!! lol :) love abs
