Monday 9 May 2011

Day 3 summary

Kilrush to Galway via the Burren. Really mixed weather.  Sun and rain during the ride and a downpour when we arrived in Galway.  We had a great wind behind us all the way though. Interesting mix of scenery particularly in the Burren.

Distance - 80.3 miles
Cycling time - 5 hours 10 minutes
Average speed - 15.5 mph
Calories burned - 5200

Overall a fairly easy day - no major hills and a great tailwind.


  1. Well done to all for completing day 3 successfully. Enjoy your day of rest tomorrow and make sure you conserve your energy for Wednesday. Don't be taking too much Guiness and make sure you do your smalls and clean teeth and wash behind the ears!! Regards to all Gordons Mum, Dad, Kirsty and Abigail x

  2. Hope you all wash your kit tomorrow somebody will need to show Gordon what to do!!!! Jules xx
