Sunday 15 May 2011

Route Summary

Click on the links below to see the route details.

Day 1 - Mizen Head to Killarney
Day 2 - Killarney to Kilrush
Day 3 - Kilrush to Galway
Day 4 - Galway to Carrick on Shannon
Day 5 - Carrick on Shannon to Donegal Town
Day 6 - Donegal Town to Malin Head

Total Distance Cycled: - 434 miles

Extra Day - Malin Head to Larne

Nicer Photos - a few extra shots from Malin Head

Getting ready for the final push.  The tower at Malin Head is in the distance and Bill is relaxing in someone's garden!

Gordon and Bill in reflective moods.

Alan and Celia making photos.

Davie contemplating a pedal from Malin to Mizen.

The Water Rats.

Crash Scene

This is where the cycle lane ran out.

Shelter from the Storm - just 15 minutes before the crash.

Day 7 Summary

Malin to Larne and then home.

It had been planned that a few of us would cycle the 85 miles or so from Malin Head to Larne.  Due to Friday's incident only Bill did the cycle and everyone else travelled in the van.  The weather was atrocious with prolonged heavy downpours making both driving and cycling difficult.  As mentioned yesterday Gordie and Jack popped into the hospital in Antrim for a once over.  Alan managed to sneak a picture of Gordie's  X  ray.......

We came back to Scotland on the fast ferry from Larne to Troon - a bit of a bouncy ride.  Didn't stop these two sleepy boys catching up on some shut eye.

We'll post details of the route and a few more photos over the next day or two.

As some of you probably realised we had an outage on the blog on Thursday and as a consequence lost some posts/comments.  We've managed to reinstate most of the posts but lost a few comments.

Saturday 14 May 2011

Poor wee souls

Jack and Gordie popped into the Antrim Hospital on the way to the Ferry terminal as they were both still suffering after yesterday's crash.  The outcome? Gordie has a broken scaffoid and now has a stookie on his left hand.  Jack has cracked ribs.

Friday 13 May 2011

Close to Malin Head

Finished - Malin Head

Day 6 summary

A really mixed day. On the positive side we made it to Malin Head - some fantastic scenery on route and great sea views from around Malin Head. Unfortunately we had a bad crash on a long fast descent about 15 miles out of Donegal.  A cycle lane suddenly stopped and we had to take quick avoiding action. Jack and Gordon came down and then collided. The net effect was a broken frame on Gordon's bike and cuts and bruises for both. Fortunately they were not too badly hurt athough shaken.

5 riders and 4 bikes? Jack gave Gordie his bike to allow him to complete and jumped into the van for the rest of the trip to Malin Head. This all put a dampener on the rest of the day particularly when, a little later, some yobs threw a bottle from a car at Celia.

Despite all this we  eventually made it to Malin Head.  Here are today's stats,

Distance cycled - 81 miles
Cycling time - 5 hours 46 mins
Average speed - 14 mph.

I'll post some photos in due course.

Starting Day 6 - bound for Malin Head

Day 5 summary - photos

Here are the photos that should have been attached to the Day 5 summary post.

Day 5 summary

Not many photos lately as we haven't had wifi access and the weather was so wet we weren't stopping. Here are a couple of photos taken after we arrived at the hostel in Donegal Town. That's Gordon having a wee snooze on the grass. Weather was the worst we have encountered so far -wind and driving rain. That and the lumpy route made made it the hardest day so far - even though the distance was the shortest to date. In contrast to yesterday the scenery was great -hills, lochs, woods etc..

Final day tomorrow - Donegal to Malin Head, around 77 miles.

Here are today's stats,

Carrick on Shannon to Donegal Town
Distance cycled - 64 miles
Cycling time - 4 hours 18 minutes
Average speed -14.7mph
Calories burned - 4200

Monument at Kiltyclogher

Donegal Town

Wednesday 11 May 2011

Sponsor Gordon

Just a reminder that through this cycle Gordon is raising funds for Clic Sargent. If you would like to sponsor him follow the link on the right hands side of this blog. Many thanks.

Day 4 summary

Galway to Carrick on Shannon. Another day of wind and heavy showers - luckily the wind was still on our tail.  Terrain fairly flat, pretty featureless - only a few small villages along the route. Carrick on Shannon though is a nice wee place. We're staying in a B&B on the outskirts of town -so a bit of a walk for us tonight to get some food etc.

A great fast cycle though, here are the stats.

Distance - 76 miles
Cycling time - 4 hours 20 minutes
Average speed - 17.5 mph
Calories burned - 5400

Should be a bit more interesting tomorrow - heading straight north to Donegal town.  A few lochs and hills along the way, finishing on the coast.

Queen Rat Celia at breakfast

Water Rats breakfasting at Barnacles

Tuesday 10 May 2011

Traditional Irish Entertainment in the Rats local 'The Quays' in Galway

Quays Bar, Galway

Rats in the water

Rest Day - the Rats hit the water

Various activities undertaken on our rest day - running, walking, a massage and even a trip to the hairdressers. Three of us headed out to Loch Corrib (one of Ireland's biggest lochs) for a swim but couldn't find it.  We settled for a swim in a wee loch nearby.  Notice in the photo how Gordon's physique is developing - contrary to some of the blog comments!

The Benson Brothers

Though we'd better introduce our erstwhile support crew, David and Dugald or as we prefer the Benson brothers - Pat and Mick.  They are providing great support along the route.

Extra photos from the Slieve Mish climb (day 2)

Monday 9 May 2011

Day 3 summary

Kilrush to Galway via the Burren. Really mixed weather.  Sun and rain during the ride and a downpour when we arrived in Galway.  We had a great wind behind us all the way though. Interesting mix of scenery particularly in the Burren.

Distance - 80.3 miles
Cycling time - 5 hours 10 minutes
Average speed - 15.5 mph
Calories burned - 5200

Overall a fairly easy day - no major hills and a great tailwind.

Another Castle

Dunguaire Castle near Kinvarra


Just after Ballyvaghan. 50 miles down, 30 to go. The Benson's had a great wee brew going on the roadside.

In the Burren

This is a castle we passed on the way through the Burren at a place called Leamaneh. Alan managed to get a shock from an electric fence on the way across for this photo.  No lasting damage done we believe.

The real Craggy Island

Jack was fair chuffed. This is the island shown in the opening shots from the Father Ted series - Jack has brought the whole series with him and watches it religiously every night on his phone.

It's really called Mutton Island and its off the shore near Kilkee.

Katie O'Connor's Hostel in Kilrush

A grand week place.

Sunday 8 May 2011

Message from Gordon

Daddy is missing all his beautiful
Love u all julie emma rachel and charlotte xxx
Ps mick doc is a ........!

Fit Gordon

Just in case anyone was worried about Gordie's state after yesterday's ride. Here he is in fine fettle after today's ride.

Day 2 Summary

An even shorter day than we though.  Windy and at times  wet - wind stronger than yesterday.

Killarney to Kilrush via Tralee and Shannon Ferry.
Distance - 58.2 miles
Average speed - 15.1 mph
Cycling time - 3 hours 52 minutes
Calories burned- 4100

Tomorrow we head up the west coast  and over the Burren to Galway. Just short of 80 miles.


Arrived in Kilrush at about 2.30. Great wee hostel - we are the only folk booked in, so have the run of the place. Pub next door - which has already been visited to replenish a few calories.

Ferry cross the Shannon

Fast ride to here apart from the climb in the mountains. Strong wind mainly behind us. Long straights and fairly flat. Heavy showers.

King Rat Conquers Mountain

1000ft vertical ascent of the Slieve Mish Mountains.  Max 24%  gradient, long stetches at over 15%. First Rat to the top - Alan.  Gale force winds at the top, fast but tricky descent.

Saturday 7 May 2011

Day 1 Summary

Mizen Head to Killarney via the Caha Pass and Moll's Gap. Weather - wet and windy.  Wind mostly behind but some strong side winds whilst dropping from the passes.

Distance cycled - 75 miles
Average speed - 14.5 mph
Cycling time - 5 hours 8 minutes
Calories burned (avg each) - 5050

Tomorrow is a short one.  Killarney to Kilrush via Tralee and the Shannon Ferry - 61 miles. Lets hope the rain stops.

Killarney Hostel

We're staying in the Railway Hostel, Killarney. Great place, just what we need. Gordon was a wee bit tired when we arrived! His longest ride ever today.

Lakes of Killarney

A really wet ride to here but the's views were superb.  The two main climbs - Caha Pass and Moll's Gap were long but steady - the highlights of the day.  Strong wind coming down from the Caha Pass was really dodgy - nearly blowing us off. Only ten miles to Killarney and the overnight stop

Another Start Photo

Mizen Head visiter centre was closed and deserted. We managed to 'secure' a way through construction barriers to get down to the point - thanks to Alan.

Mizen Head - the Start

Lets go!

Start of Day 1

Driving at Mizen Head in the back of the van. Wet and windy- hmmmm.  But the wind is blowing the right way!